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ArcheAge Arena PVP Guide - 1V1 and 5V5

There are two types of Arena PVP in ArcheAge: 1v1 and 5v5 Arena.


1V1 Arena


The 1v1 Arena Varient is a large circular Arena with No line of Site or special buffs. Each player spawns and is given roughly 10-20 Seconds to prepare for battle. Afterwords they are dropped onto thier respective sides to duke it out. A kill signifies the end of a round. If a player kills his oppenent twice they are declared the victor and the arena ends. It is to be noted that if both players die simultaniously in a round they are both granted a killing blow during the round in question.

How / where to join?
Talking to a Gladiator recruiter in main capital city. Open your map

The 1V1 Arena Varient is a large and simple circular Arena with no special buffs, just the first person with 2 kills wins another player. 1V1 Arena is more rewarding, but requires you have decent gear, cool skill and a viable 1V1 skills, such as Darkrunner, Skullnight, Daggerspell, Arcanist are very good for 1V1. This Arena is very good for PVP beginners.

There is a cool ArcheAge video by Seatinmanoflegends player about LV50 Primeval (Archery + Shadowplay + Auramancy) 1v1 arena carnage.



5V5 Arena

5v5 Combat takes place in a linear arena with both Line of Sight and Height variables. It also rewards killstreaks with a set of extra abilitys that can be toggled once per match depending on how mahy kills you streak. These abilitys include the ability to become invincible, summon an NPC dog, and spawn a cannon. 5v5 Arena ends when either a team with more kills runs out the timer or either teams base is detroyed. Each team has a crystal which they must protect, although it does have two cannons they are fairly easy to destory so you should not leave your base undefended.

How / where to join?
Talking to a Arena recruiter in main capital city. Open your map - merchants - Arena Recruiter.
5V5 Arena with less rewarding, but can gain special titles which slightly increase your Maximum Health and Honor Gain.
5V5 Combat is very funny PVP mechanics in a linear with both Line of Sight and Height variables, the more kills, the more unique arena abilities you unlock, such as summon wolves, NPC dog and cannons, become invincible, buffing yourself, healing yourself and so on, but need note most of abilities you can only use one time. 5v5 Arena ends when either a team with more kills runs out the timer or either teams base is destroyed. Each team has a crystal which they must protect, although it does have two cannons they are fairly easy to destroy so you should not leave your base undefended.

How to gameplay in 5V5?

If you are a ranged, should use the towers and bridge in Arena, and the melee should slyly attempt to stop the other team getting to difficult points. If you are a melee, shadowstep is the good skill in here. If you team lack a healer, you should quickly retreating back into your base to restore your Health and Mana when you want.

Mobs in 5V5 Arena

Flame mobs drop a stick of dynamite, good for to destroy the large wooden crates.
Life mobs drop a temporary max health for 3 mins.
Pain mobs drop a reduction damage buff for 3 mins, most useful and worth to kill.


Arena Quest in 5V5 - Rite of the Gladiator


Rite of the Gladiator 10

This quest just need you kill opponents in arena, will reward you the Honor and at Rite of the Gladiator 3, 6, 8, 10 and get a title increase you max health and honor gain at the end of arena. Note, the honor gain just apply to 5V5.

3: increase +20 max health, +1 honor gain - Defeat 80 opponents - Title: Arena Spark
6: increase +40 max health, +2 honor gain - Defeat 500 opponents - Title: Arena Flame
8: increase +60 max health, +3 honor gain - Defeat 1500 opponents - Title: Arena Torch
10: increase +80 max health, +4 honor gain - Defeat 3000 opponents - Title: Arena Wildfire

OK, a great video about LV50 Darkrunner 5V5 arena by SniperNamedG player you can watch.