Oct 16 Views (1727)

Don't Require Any Labor Points to Making ArcheAge Gold Fast

Now there are some ways you do not require any labor points to making ArcheAge gold fast.

Gilda Star Daily

A large of Gilda Stars you can get though do the Gilda Star dailies and trade run, you can use to buy expensive ships and housing patterns, then sell these with a nice gold in AH or trade channel.

Trade Run
Simply bring a Trade Pack across the pond to Haranya or to Freedich Isle in the middle of the ocean.
Solis Headlands: 1 Gilda Star
Villanelle: 1 Gilda Star
Ynystere: 2 Gilda Stars
Freedich Isle: 4 Gilda Stars

Dailies to get the Gilda Stars and rest at 8pm EST.

Priestess of Nui (LV10 - LV30, each quest get 1 Gilda Star)
1. The Goddess of Nui (LV10- LV15)
2. The Hereafter’s Energy (LV16 - LV20)
3. Gifts for the Goddess (LV21 - LV25)  
4. A Lily Offering (LV26 - LV30)

Blue Sale Brotherhood (LV31+, replace the Priestess of Nui daily quest and no longer accessible, each quest get 1 Gilda Star)
1. A Rare Perfume
2. Guerrilla Marketing
3. Raising a Wild Horse
4. Roadsend in Danger

Farmer's Workstation (each quest get 1 Gilda Star)
Farmer's workstation is crafted using your Small Scarecrow Design, 30 Lumber and VIscous Glossy Oil.

Menteeing / Mentoring
Menteeing quests get 1 Gilda Star, Mentoring quests get 3 Gilda Stars.
Sharpwind Mines
Kill Okape With a Mentor (LV19 - LV29)
Kill Okape with a Mentee (LV30+)

Burnt Castle Armory
Kill Hleronimus With a Mentor (LV31 - LV39)
Kill Hleronimus With a Mentee (LV40+)


Each PVP activities can get honor, which can use to buy many things, such as the popular item is Lunastones, which not bound to your character, so you can trade it in AH to get Gold fast. There are many best Lunastones you can get to sell along with their honor price.