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Earning ArcheAge Gold in the Housing Areas of Villanelle

Villanelle is also one of the three major ports (Ynystere, Villanelle, Solis Headlands) in archeage eastern continent Haranya. The levels of monster is 24-27, temperate climate, protected zone with a Aquafarms (blue circle). It is a very good position for trading to earn money on sail in the middle of Haranya, was the port of protected areas originally that you can go three directions of North, South, and West.

Housing Areas of Villanelle

ArcheAge Housing Areas of Villanelle

There are 9 areas you can choose to build house in Villanelle and 1 area for Aquafarms. Housing areas are very fragmented, there are several areas very characteristic and each housing area is not too large. Overall, Villanelle is very good for individuals and small groups for trading, so fast to grab a piece of land in here is your best choice, especially the number 1, 2 and 3 areas.

The number 1, 2 and 3 areas are the best places close to the sea for building house in Villanelle. It is very good place for any house or field to earn ArcheAge gold much. You should know less than half the area of Villanelle is a port city of Harani, so these three housing places are live inside of port city. No only can go to Cinderstone Moore of western continent Nuia with your ship / boat directly, but also go to Solis Headlands close to the shore of below protected area and then go to Sanddeep of Nuia for trading with specialty, even more go to the north of Mirage Isle is not too long.

The number 4 place is a big housing area for Medium to Large-Sized house and Manors in the middle of town. This land not only is not out of the city but also next to the house with a stone road, it is also a good place to build house in here.

The number 5, 6 and 7 housing areas of inland are very general for house or field, unless you just need grab a land in this map. The number 8 and 9 housing areas you need jump off the cliff to close the sea, it is not very ideal for trading.