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Make the Auctioneer into a fool for special costume synthesis rewards: March 22 – April 19

The Auctioneer has been getting a little uppity recently. He doesn't want gilda stars anymore, no, he wants Prismatic Diamonds! Has that guy looked at the Auction House prices lately? Knock him down a few pegs in the spirit of April Fool's day, and claim some excellent costume synthesis materials for yourself!


A Shiny Request…


To begin this limited time daily quest, head on over to any Auctioneer (although the one in your capital city is easy enough to reach) and speak with him. This will trigger a brand new quest called, "A Shiny Request."


Once you've listened to his elitist ramblings, don't go buy him some Prismatic Diamonds. Instead, visit a General Merchant to purchase the materials to create Glass Prismatic Diamonds at a Handicraft Kiln. (Maybe that will teach him a lesson… a hairy beast… really? The nerve!) Once you get 20 fake diamonds made, visit the Auctioneer to complete the quest.


Each day you complete this quest, you will receive the following:

Bound Clear Synthium Stone - Can be used to increase the level of experience on your costume. This version of the item cannot be used in Alchemy crafting.

Bound Vivid Synthium Stone - Can be used to increase the level of experience on your costume. This version of the item cannot be used in Alchemy crafting.

Bound Serendipity Stone Shard - Combine 14 of these shards to create one Serendipity Stone, which will allow you to re-roll one statistic on a costume!

Bound Horsepower Boost - This potion can increase the speed behind your Eco-Friendly Fuel boosts on vehicles.

Eventually, this guy should get tired of his diamond collecting ways and go back to coveting Gilda Stars like every other Daru. At this rate, he should re-learn some manners by server maintenance on April 19th, 2016. Until then, enjoy the rewards!